Sunday, September 30, 2012

class A: Morning Routine


  1. On Lastday I woke up at 5:00 a.m. I took a shower and brushed my teeth. Then I wore my clothes, fix my hair and put on my makeup. I lived my room at 6:30 a.m., then I went ground floor to drink some water. I waited a bus to come and to teak me to college. My first class was from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. after the class, I'm very hungry. I went to the cafeteria with my friend for a breakfast, then I returned to class for took another lecture.

  2. Last day ,I wake up in the Morning wash my face and make wudu for my prayers; i offer my morning prayers; then i make my morning dua ; i take my breakfast and then i go to my college at 7:30; i study English; and then come back home at 12 at noon.

    1. Last day, I woke up in the morning washed my face and made wudu for my prayers I was offer my morning dua .I taken my breakfast and than I went to my college at 7:30 .I studied English after that came back home at 12 pm.

  3. Last day,I got up at 4:30 a.m .I Brushed my teeth and a Ablution for prayer .Then i wear my clothes,fix my hair and i put some makeup .Then I went to down floor to stayed with mother waited father to returned to home and took me college . my first class is start at 7:30 .After the lecture go with my friend to eat breakfast , then return to class follow my lectures at 11:30 a.m,and then come back to home at 12 p.m.

  4. Last day I wake up early "to pray the dawn prayer, and pray to God to bless me daily Then address the Aaftara and accept the.Then address the Aaftara and accept the Then address the Aaftara and accept the head and my parents before I went to the the college .Spend the day and I'm from a lecture to another I draw the flag.

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    1. Last day, I woke up at 5 am ,Wudu and prayed fajer, Changed my clothes and arranged my hair scatter .Then Addressed breakfast and drank two glasses of water and then went to my parents and kissed them on them head.Then I went to college at 7 am . We took some fun lectures and other boring but not unhelpful.After college I went home and prayed Zuhr and slept.

      ( sorry I have an account a long time ago )
      my name's Sara.A.F

  6. Last day , I woke up early in the morning I slept very well  , the first thing I did was fajr prayer, then I had breakfast and watched tv for a bit and went back to my room to get ready for collage , and when I was done I went downstairs and fed my cat , finally I got out to collage and attended all my classes and got back home at the end of the day .

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    1. In yesterday woke up in the half past four I went to the toilet washed my face and brush my teeth and wudu for Fajr prayer and prayed and then went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast and then went to my room to wear my clothes and put my make and I went with the driver to college when I got to college at 7:30 entered halls to attend the first lecture me on the day and at 12:30 left to go home after my arrival at 3 pm prayed Asr prayer went to sleep I woke up at 6 water I drank coffee with my family and Recalled my lessons after I finished I sat with my mother until 1 am then I went to my room to sleep until I wake up in the morning

  8. Last day , I woke up at 5:30 am and prayed alfajer prayer then went back to sleep , then I woke up again at 7:30 am brushed my teeth , dressed and fixed my hair . After that I went downstairs and played with the kittens for a bit , then I bbmed my friends told them to get ready because we were going to KFU .
    We had fun there and of course we didn't miss aldoher and ala'aser's prayer and I got back home at 6:25 pm prayed almagreb prayer then changed my clothes , went to my uncle's house because we had an engagement party , at the end of the day we went back home , brushed my teeth and slept like a baby .

  9. Last day , I Woke up at 5 Oclock and i fill sleeeeeepy becuse I always sleep late Time , of course I will have lectures in my college and I have to get ready for work, maybbbbe i trying to contact my group , I do some exercises everyday, and when finished doing what should I do, then go with my family to OUR work, I love the morning with them , and I love the morning when it start with my friends ammm and I'm really happy for you read my words ..

    [ name \ ARWA ...]

  10. Last day I woke up 8:00 am I was tierd because I slept after alfajer prayer , I had a shower then did my hair and went to KFU with my friends , I met my other friends there i missed them , I went back home 6:30 pm talked to my sister and then I went to my bed and slept all day .

    Name : mreyam

  11. ..... last day , i woke up in the morning i slept not very good becouse i felt tired and the first thing i did took a shower and fajr prayer then to wear my clothes and put my makeup then went to the kitchen to drink coffee and waited the driver for take my to college at 7 , I back to home after finished swirly and prayer zuhr then sat with my mother and talk about how i did in college then i went to sleep .

  12. Everyday Routine
    lastday I woke up early morning. I took a shower with my sweet daughter. I felt fresh. Then we wore our clothes. After that we ate breakfast that was corn flecks with milk. Then we went to school. I like to go to school because I want to learn more and more about English. when I came from school, I changed my clothes and took some rest. after that I ate my lunch and watched some cartoon movies with my children. After that I cleaned my house and I did my laundry. last night we went to the mall for shopping and I took my children to Saffari Land.finally we went to the bed at 11pm.

  13. ..... last day , i woke up in the morning i get up at 4:00 i tak a shower ,i brush my teeth then bray fajer then i usually have a cup of millk and a chese sandwish for brekfast after brekfast i get dressed
    i put makeup .at 6:30 i takea car to go to the college when i finsh
    college at 12:30 i go to hom i have lunch after college then i went to sleep.

  14. everyday routine

    I wake up at 5:00 AM I pray my morning prayer
    then I do my daily workout on the walking machine :D!
    Then in 5:30 I take a shower then get ready for collage .
    When I arrived to my collage I take my classes then leave and go home.
    When I'm at my home I do my homework's if I have any H.W and set with my family and play on my laptop or I pad.
    and on the weekends I hangout with my friends or with my family or go outside AL Hassah ..


  15. Thursday Love days to my heart Asikzt hour 9 text and eating breakfast.At 12 I went to help my mother to bring lunch and then went to my grandfather's house to spent the rest of the time with family at 12 at night we went back to the house.

  16. last day ..Thursday Love days to my heart Asikzt hour 9 text and eating breakfast.At 12 I went to help my mother to bring lunch and then went to my grandfather's house to spent the rest of the time with family at 12 at night we went back to the house.


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  18. last day I woke up at 5 am and washed my face and brush my teeth and prayed Fajr, then I wore my clothes ready for Time to college and I got for breakfast and went with the driver to college and attended my lectures until 12 pm was once tired and then I went to the house and had lunch with my family. then I went to my room to sleep until 6 pm and recalled my lessons and I went back to sleep at 11 pm

  19. In the last day I woke up 12 pm and then I went down to lunch with my family and then I went to my room to get ready and equipped to attend the wedding son aunt went in at 5 pm and concert was beautiful and we enjoyed and we go back to the house at 11 pm and went to my room to sleep becausetoday was a long and tiring

  20. In Yesterday when weeked up early morning at 7:00 a.m. , I went to path room I washed my face and broosh my teeth , after that I had my beak fast , Then breaded my self to go with my family to the supermarket , In the after noon I go to Al-Kobar with my big sister for go to see bech , Shopping in the mall , We had our diner then we return back home , then I go to sleep at 1:30 a.m. In my bed :) .... Hetaf Almulhim , Class B "

  21. I get up avery early in the morining it is at five o'clock then i pray to god.iwash my face and limbs.Icean my teeth and tongue.I do the physical exercise.then i take my bath .after my bath ieat my breakfast at 7.00a.m i prepare to go the collage and start study in the morning 8.00 clock' befor eating my breakfast 9'30 clock and back to study and fensh back to home it's 12.30 clock and go to sleeping.

  22. last day i got up early because I went to bed at 8.45 p.m. I took a bath. Then I got dressed and drank some milk. Then I went to college by care with my driver. In the college I learned English grammar for 2 hours.Then it was break time I ate snacks. After that I went to my house. At lunch time I ate fried chicken with rice with my family. Then I washed the spoons and did my homework. In the evening I watched television and I ate dinner then I read my books I went to bed late because I read many books.

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    1. Last day

      At the last day I woke up at 12 noon .I took a shower, brushed my teeth .Then awakened my kids and change their clothes. After that i prepare breakfast After breakfast never in the works of the house and my Children playing in the games. After 4 era I visited my family, my relatives and uncles. At night, go to the shopping and amusement park. Then go back to the house and go to sleep. And finally this is my program every weekend

  24. Last day , i woke up at 6:45 a.m. then i took shaoer and prayed . I went to wear my clothes then i had my breakfast . The shofer came for that i wear my abaih and ride the car . I had arrived to my college , it 's al sharia college . My first lecture started from 7:30 antel 9:10 then i had break and in 10:00 to 11:20 my day is end in the college . I go to my home and had a nap antel 4:00 i woke up had a lunch then i did my homework when i finish i watch movie or just set and chat with my family . In 9:00 or 10:00 i had my dinner with my family . That what i did yestrday .

  25. Last day, i got up at 9 am. I washed my face and i cleaned my room.
    then i went down for breakfast with my family,i used the Internet for some time.
    In, i went to ate lunch with my cousins, then we went to sea and we spent a fun time
    At the evening, i went to shopping with my family, after that we ate dinner.
    Finally, i got back home and i took a shower and i went to sleep

  26. What I do in the morning woke up in the fifth and keep up prayer and read Blogs and swim to get ready for college and get dressed and arrange my hair then ended and pick up breakfast with my family after I finished go to college met my friends and share the outskirts of the modern lecture will start and get out books and explains Dr finished tenth and go to Break with my friends and come lecture that followed and get downHouse eleven and a half

  27. ....The first wake up of sleep.I went to the bathroom to brshed my teeth and washed my face ,get shower.Then i went fajer prayer.Then went to break fast.check my regular and books for 06:30 went to car for college.Ireached college at 06:45.

  28. my day begin on thurdey 8am by having breakfast with fimli after that at 12pm pray the after afternoon .then we go to the grandfathers house. we meet we glies sit in garden dreing coffe and eat kek what saved us played football.sometime we out of the shopping mall with the girls and eat dinner,Taking Shore and go to sleep.
