Friday, October 5, 2012

Class B. Morning Routine


  1. I wake up at 5:00 in the morning then a shawer and pray alfajar.And eat a breakfast.And I ware a clothes for a collage.I go to a collage at 6:30 in the morning and study at the collage from 7:30 till 11:30 in the morning.I get home at 12:00 then pray aldohar and eat a lunch with my family at 2:30 in the afternoon.And I taket rest and wake up at 6:00 p.m and I do my homework.Then eat a dinnar at 8:00 in the evening and I sat with my family. And I go to sleep at 12:00 in the middenight.

  2. last night it was different i went early to my bed try to sleep but i couldn't because i drank much coffee. so i took some stories and started to read until 5 am. i heard the Mosque began Prayer
    At 6 am I ate fast my breakfast because I have to wear my cloths and put my makeup . After a hour i left my house to college . In 8am started my morning class it is called English course
    after many hours i finished at 1am i was tired also hungry. When I arrived I went to the kitchen and made a lunch then I went up to my room to sleep‎.
